The Lew Crew

The Lew Crew
You got a long way to go Fat Stuff! Get out there and run!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Signed up for the Big Island Marathon Kind of...

I actually signed up for the 5K on March 20th because the marathon is full. I need as much exposure to any race I can get. I really wanted to sign up for the marathon. This would be a perfect time to try to run a 26.2 mile marathon. I am hoping I can weasel my way into the full marathon during Saturday the 19th when we pick our race bibs up.

1 comment:

  1. I ran a 5 k as a first race, the first half I wondered what I was doing and that I would never do it again, and the second half was great!! Awesome Chubby Cheetah!
